Friday, January 10, 2014


We're officially 25 weeks pregnant today.  Baby is the size of cauliflower, which seems gigantic--and we still have so 15 weeks to go! 

Dillon and I have been trying to prep as much as we can in the house and ourselves for our new arrival, but I'm starting to get a bit stressed about all that's left.  Therefore, I bring you a (hopefully) series of posts about all the things we HAVE  accomplished to prepare for baby's arrival. 

First off:  this quilt.

Secondly: a secret.  I have been stocking up on a few baby items for a couple years now.  Don't pretend like I'm the only one in the world who impulse buys fabric, vintage clothes, or makes quilts years before she gets pregnant.  I kept most of them a secret from Dillon for awhile because I didn't want to let him know I'm crazy. 

So I made this quilt a couple years ago, and I'm so glad it's done and ready for baby!  I love the colors (we're planning on teal & yellow in the baby's room with lots of white and gray to make it less BRIGHT).  The pattern for this came from a friend's mom, after I failed miserably at my first attempt because my parallelograms were all wonky.  So thanks, Kathy! 

Now I'm going to write out our list of "to do's" so that I can get it off my chest and off my mind. 

-Rug for nursery
-anything that's not a gift off our registry
-read birthing books
-tour the hospital
-preregister at the hospital
-make sure our insurance will still all work out since Dillon's place of work changed providers (grrrr)
-Take our birthing classes
-Take our "breastfeeding and newborn" class
-Finish up our registries (since Target's in-store selection was limited and we haven't even started the 2nd one)
-Look into placenta encapsulation (anyone had any experience?  Is it worth it?)
-Attend shower
-cushion for rocking chair
-mobi wrap
-portable high chair thinger
-Nursery decor (some sort of sign with a favorite hymn written on it)
-Paint nursery
-Finish Railing
-complete flooring (transition strips and heating vent)
-Finish our pantry cabinet (add shelves, paint, and fill with all the crap that's covering my counters and stressing me out)
-mini-babymoon by showing up at a friend's house for the weekend
-Ikea Trip
-Knit a onesie
-Make and freeze a bunch of meals

Wish us luck as we chip away at all this in the next 15 WEEKS!!!

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