Monday, April 27, 2015

The garden is in!

Finally finally FINALLY we got our raised bed garden in and ready to go!  This was my "splurge" from our tax refund and hopefully it'll keep on giving us veggies for a long long time.  My sister and brother-in-law happened to be down for the weekend a few weeks ago and I recruited them to help.  I'm sure they were overwhelmed with joy to be "just helping a little" with major weeding and garden bed installation.  They helped me screw together the frames and left for home.

Whose next to help me weed this thing???  (This was last summer and I am hoping to prevent all this happening again)
What a helper!

I assembled the frames and then spent WAY too long stapling hardware cloth (like chicken wire only squares) to the bottom so that little burrowing friends will never make their way into the garden.  A layer of cardboard to prevent weeds and then all that was left was to fill it up with soil.  Easy peasy.

Sooo happy with our new shovel.

Except we don't have a truck, I didn't want to pay $70 for delivery, we don't own a wheelbarrow or even a shovel.  So the next weekend we borrowed a truck, got a cubic yard of good soil (for $30), bought a shovel and dumped it all onto our driveway at 9:00pm one evening.  The next day, my sister and brother-in-law drove down AGAIN and let us break in their new wheelbarrow and helped us move all that soil to the backyard.  It was actually a great time and I laughed more than I have in a long time.

They also gave our kiddo his very own sandbox and moved all THAT to the backyard too.


Working away!

Now all that's left is plants.  The easy part, right????  I have high hopes for this thing and I'm looking forward to experimenting with what works for us.  And I want tomatoes.  Lots of tomatoes. 

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